Water has become one of our most valuable assets on a farm. The 90 megalitre lake of water on this property something to behold. Designed to aesthetically enhance the property and is easily accessible from all points of the farm. As a bonus, you have 500 metres of frontage to the “Margaret River” a permanent water course. The property lends itself to building a number of chalets (subject to local Shire approval) either on the edge of the lake or near the Margaret River.
A freehold property of 129.2 acres (52.2869 hectares) The property is slightly undulating with good drainage over the whole block. The Northern boundary is the “Margaret River”. Located approximately 18kms from Margaret River via a sealed road. There are many roads leading to and from this wonderful property, taking on many of the vineyards and tourist attractions in the Margaret River Wine Region.

Property details:
Large old brick home with commanding views over the valley and lake down to the Margaret River.
Five bedrooms
Two bathrooms
Lounge and living areas
Licensed 90 megalitre lake of water
500 metres of frontage to the “Margaret River”
270m2 shed lined with thermo panels inside. A large rainwater tank links with the shed
Two other farm sheds for storage and machinery
(Please note: – The olive plantation that was on this farm has been removed)

Owner has instructed property needs to sell!! Information Memorandum available on request.