Situated to the south west of Noggerup and north east of Balingup the property is a short drive through the forest from Grimwade Rd.
51 hectares of the undulating property has recently been harvested under a blue gum plantation leaseagreement with WAPRES. Potential buyers now have the choice of allowing the stumps to coppice and re-establish as a second rotation plantation, or spray the fresh coppicing to kill the stumps and cleanup the plantation area with the view to returning it to pasture. If the choice were to be allowing the second rotation coppices to develope the current owners of the property may be able assist in a managerial role as they operate a business which includes management and advisory services associated with timber plantations and general forestry allowing potential buyers the possibilities of either releasing the plantation or operating it as their own plantation.

With forest adjoining on 3 boundaries and part of the 4th the property enjoys almost absolute seclusion and the associated peace and quiet that many wanting escape the ‘Rat Race’ desire, hence providing potential buyers with the opportunity to eventually establish a weekender, or more, and enjoy the location. No power or telephone services are available to the property so solar or wind power and mobile phone are the only options to consider. At present a dam is the only source of water. Viewing is strictly by appointment only.