* 1825Ha (4511 Acres) approximately
* 1700Ha (4200 Acres) approximately croppable
* Premium property located high in the landscape with no salt issues and well drained. Very low frost risk.
* Large open paddocks set up for today’s farming. All 32km of internal fencing brand new.
* Serviced by 16km of formed gravel roads to suit road trains – in and out, no turning.
* Excellent water supplies.
* Renowned top producer.
* All infrastructure up to date and in top condition
including a large 12 room homestead with mature garden and covered parking for 4 vehicles.
* Most remnant vegetation fenced with new fencing.
* Soil types are gravelly loams to heavy with a small area of sand plain heath.
* Originally Mallee and Moort vegetation.

Located only 25km from Ongerup, this top quality farm will impress on inspection.

For further information, please contact Tom Hart on
0428 282 120