Mackkcon is currently offering this unique building for sale by expressions of interest.

The Convent (Academy Building) and land has been subdivided and is on a huge central allotment.

It is large in building size, has high ceilings, is rich in history and secrets and has unlimited potential.

Extensive removal and disposal of asbestos discovered to be present in the building has been undertaken by the current owners.

With some clever thinking The Convent will be a very special building/home.

For its age, externally the building is in great condition. Internally a blank canvas for the new owners to imagine and create their dreams. See current floorplan.

The building could have unlimited potential uses in a B&B, restaurant, professional offices, art gallery or just a fantastic home. The choice is yours (all STCA).


St Mary’s School (formerly the Academy) Corner Pope & Collins Street This building has local significance for its architectural interest and for its historical importance as a major educational institution in the Hamilton district during the last century when it became a serious rival to the notable Hamilton and Western District Boys’ College founded in 1871. The earliest section of the Academy dates from 1874 with additions in 1882 when it was reopened. (i)

The founder of the Academy was James Begg (1842-1911), a Scot educated at Glasgow University who had the support of leading Hamiltonians such as G H Mott and W Skene. By 1890 the Academy was the largest of Hamilton’s three private colleges and was recognised for its high educational standard. Its success was relatively brief for it closed in 1900, the building becoming a private residence which, in 1905, was taken over by the Loreto Sisters as a convent and convent school. In 1925 it became known as St Mary’s.(ii)

The building is of interest architecturally for its use of the Gothic Revival style, considered appropriate for scholastic buildings because of traditional associations between education and the Church, and for its use of polychrome brickwork, an important material in the style. Polychromy was all the rage in Melbourne at the time but this is a relatively subdued example. The building is significantly intact and is in excellent condition. It is an important element in the St Ronan’s streetscape, especially for its domestic scale and detailing.

SIGNIFICANCE: One of the more important schools in the district and associated with significant people. Of special interest for its rare use of polychrome brickwork.

FOOTNOTES i Garden, Don, Hamilton, pp 89-90; Hamilton Spectator, 13 April 1882, 11 November 1882. ii Ibid and Garden, p 152; Australasian, 14 April 1906 (illustration).

In August 2011, Mackkcon Homes became the fourth owner of this prestigious building. The historical building is 53 1/2 squares, on a huge allotment of 2839m2, close to the city centre. Zoned – Residential Zone 1.