This business was first established in 2004 and has since expanded and was moved to larger premises in 2011. The business commenced with a concentration on ATV’s and bikes and has since progressed to a large market share of both road vehicles, ATV’s and bikes and small engines together with parts and accessories. The business has a solid reputation as reliable and competent with a growing customer base and repeat business. It is now an accredited Inspection Station and the owner has good rapport for suppliers and is contracted to undertake service warranties and recalls as required.
The business employs 3 full time staff with 1-part time for bookkeeping and administration work.
The workshop is centrally located in the general business district of Currie and sits on a land area of around 1770 square metres with plenty of scope for vehicle parking and storage as required. There are around 440 square metres under cover with an additional outbuilding let out to an external source and gene