Kip McGrath Education Centre, Naracoorte was established in 1998 with current owners taking over in 2008.
Strong local connection with schools, Independent Learning Centre, local paper and FM radio station and an excellent reputation for services offered.
Offering Education in many areas – Educational tutoring, English language, Gifted students in Maths/English, Academically preparing for boarding school, Autism Spectrum, Physical and mental disabilities, Learning difficulties ie Dyslexia, Refugees, Migrant workers and so forth.
Located on a main road into Naracoorte and only 800m east of the CBD.
Adequate parking with an off road drop off/pick up area.
The premises have been leased from the same landlord since 1998 being based on a 3 year agreement with a 3 year renewal option.
A viable business for the studious person.