Attention Builders
Block 1416M2 with 5 roomed home & approved plans for 4 House, or redevelop to your requirements or Rent/live in existing house as great investment for the future.

1. Complete development and end up with your own home at a fraction of cost.
outstanding costs to Title
Development application commission (open plan fee 3 additional titles) $18,450
Zina Stacey (to finish survey including pegs) $3,600
SA Water Approx Quote 4 years ago ring them for update $4,000
Land titles fees $1613
Lawyer fee to do article etc Standard $400
Conveyancers fees Lodge as a whole $550
net total to complete division $28,533

Plus site costs also adjust following for anything you can do
Demolish house $7 to $20k depending on what you get for Salvage
Storm Water $20k Approx
Drive depending on asphalt brick or concrete $20K $25k $30k
2. Do development and take all profit.
3. Buy and hold with rent on house approximately $290 pw with price of seaside properties and St Clair sales you may do substantially better than inflation.
3. Do your own redevelopment SCC.
4. Extent house or rebuild to your own taste SCC on 1416M2 block one of the largest in area