Formerly known as His & Hers located on the main street of Yeppoon, has now changed its name to On Shore Boutique.
The whole shop has had a fresh new revamp. The same great shop, same location and as always current seasons stock in store.
Are you looking for a fresh change? Why not be your own boss and become part of the exciting, thriving beachfront CBD. Shop 4703 .A long term lease is offered with this superb retail outlet.

You wouldn’t think this position could get any better, until Livingstone Shire Council built a 3 storey car park that delivers customers to your door.

This 30 year old landmark shop sells some of the biggest names in the surfwear industry including Billabong, Quicksilver, Roxy, Seafolly, Rusty, Mink Pink, Havaianas, Lorna Jane and much more.

For more information or a private viewing please contact Sean Appleton.

This perfect owner operator business will not last long at just $65,000.00 + Stock.