Area: 221 Acres

Situated: 12km from Miriam Vale, 45 minutes from Gladstone

Services: Power, phone, school bus to Primary and Secondard School at Miriam Vale

Country: Flat to undulating, selectively cleared country abundantly grassed with signal grass, Rhodes grass, Creeping Blue grass, Wincassia and Stylos. Areas of ponded pasture with hymanicne.

Improvements: Hi set home consisting of (downstairs) 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and dining, shower and toilet. Patio 3 sides. Upstairs – internal staircase to 2 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and dining area, bathroom and toilet. Verandahs front and sides. Rainwater Tanks.

Sheds: 4 bay shed and 2 stables. Donga.

Yards & Fencing: Good set timber stockyards, with 4 way drafting pound, head bail and crush, loading ramp cooler/arena. Property is securely fenced and sub-divided into 2 paddocks for rotational grazing.

Water: Property is abundantly watered by Colusseum Creek (irrigation licence), 2 large dams, spring fed turkeys nest with solar pump to supply tanks at the house which supplies the house garden, paddock troughs and yards.

Carry Capacity: 65 breeders or fatten equivalent.