4 bedroom low set brick home (all built-ins) with open plan air conditioned living area
New kitchen with island cupboard / breakfast bar
Timber Venetians & fans lights throughout
The home is situated in the middle of the most beautiful gardens all fully irrigated
You won’t find this many sheds on too many properties:-
12.5m x 12.5m Colorbond American Barn with mezzanine floor
12m x 7.5m Colorbond high clearance Shed
13m x 7m Iron Shed
8m x 9m Iron Shed with an 8m x 5.5m awning with a complete spray painting booth
12m x 6m Iron Shed
Older 6 bay Shed
Watered by 4 dams( one is 17 megalitres) & 1 x 22,000 gal conc & 4 x 5,400 gal Poly rainwater tanks
Assorted fruit trees, veggie garden & chook pens
24.91 ha or 61.55 acres fenced into 5 paddocks & house yard
This property would certainly suit a car enthusiast for restoration & storage of motor vehicles