Located approximately 115 kilometres south of Cunnamulla and 200 kilometres north of Bourke.
Area & Tenure: Total aggregation: 28,512 HA (70,452 acres) Freehold
KYWONG: 12,301 HA ( 30,395 ACRES)
GILNOCKIE: 16,211 HA (40,057 acres)
Rainfall:Average annual rainfall 350mm (14 inches).
Country: Kywong has extensive floodout country as the Warrego River is on the eastern boundary and the Cuttaburra River on the western boundary adjoining Glinockie. Very good reserves of low Mulga. Water: A secure water supply exists, 3 bores, and 8 dams.Fencing: Most of the fencing is in fair condition. Improvements: Cottage. Machinery shed and workshop, 5 stand shearing shed, timber and steel panel cattle yards with the capacity to work 400 head. Remarks: Kywong and Glinockie have a good mix of flood out plains and excellent reserves of low Mulga. Both properties have been lightly stocked for the past twelve months.