With opportunities on every acre this really is a MUST see property!
A perfectly renovated Queenslander stands tall atop this beautiful 100 acres with the most breathtaking views of Wyaralong Dam, Mount Joyce & Flinders Peak just to name a few & all only one step out of your own front door.
Imagine having your breakfast on the verandah every morning with a view like that!
The attributes for this property are endless…there is a fabulous 18 x 8 shed & dirt tracks that are suitable for motorised recreation &/or the equine enthusiast.
There are cleared sections that are luscious & green with perpetual potential.
There are private spaces to step away into your own little world.
There really are so many opportunities here that only your eyes will believe it…when you see it.
Call me today & let me show you round your own personal haven…

100 Acres
? Fabulous Views
? Renovated Queenslander
? A Playground Paradise
? Riding Trails
? Suit Motor Or Equine Enthusiast
? 2 Dams
? Fully Fenced