Using top of the line building materials and techniques will insure that each townhouse performs outstandingly. The AFS reinforced concrete wall system
will insure great temperature and noise insulation. Meanwhile, Miele appliances, stone benchtops and his-and-hers vanity basins provide the highest class of living in every townhome.

* Stamp Duty Free for some lots
* 6 different types / building styles to suit all
* Some with a downstairs bedroom
* Luxury quality inclusions and great location
* Great north western views over Kellyville Park
* $1,000 refundable deposit secures your place
* Buy future value at current price – around 12 months to settle.
* 3 km (approx) from future railway station
* Estimated completion date – end of 2018

Inspection by appointment only.

Disclaimer: The information provided herewith has been furnished to us by the owners. We have not verified whether or not that any information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or the other in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely on their own inquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is correct, including ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATES.