* Located 5km from Yoogali and 8km from Griffith City with frontage to Bob Irvin Road and Wincey Road
* Approx 45 hectares or 112.5 acres
* A mix of red clay and grey clay loam soils
* Planted to Valencias, Washington Navels and Late Lanes
* 19m x 19m lockup high clearance machinery shed – 22,000 litre poly water tank
* Three Murrumbidgee Irrigation water supply outlets
* Lister 3 cyl diesel motor on hi flow pump with five inline filters to a computerised drip irrigation system, solar powered with fertigation pump which services approx 47.5 acres
* 210 Murrumbidgee Irrigation Delivery Entitlements
* Dwelling entitlement applicable. Subject to council approval.
* Opportunity to secure a good size horticulture citrus property in an ideal location with a balance of citrus plantings
* Griffith City Council Shire Rates $3,480.84 (2019-2020)
Price: $1,280,000.00
For further details and inspections contact: Alister Watt 0428 696 872