andbull; 38 km Barellan and 18 km Narrandera
andbull; 438.8 Hectares (1083 Acres)
andbull; Grazing and cultivation property
andbull; Subdivided into 3 paddocks – excellent fencing
andbull; Approximately 121 Hectares (300 Acres) undulating, red loam cultivation country
andbull; Balance Hills, heavily timbered with Cypress Pine trees
andbull; Native Trees comprise Cypress Pine, Kurrajong, Yellow Box, Grey Box and Black Wattles
andbull; 4 Dams, 1 dam never been dry in 20 years since owners purchased property – fed from natural spring
andbull; 3 Dams dry once in 20 years
andbull; Present owners have run 200 ewes and lambs when not cropping
andbull; Ideal lifestyle block, abundance of native animals and birds
andbull; Access with approx. 2.6km main bitumen road running along all of the western entry.