*** EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CLOSE: 2:00 PM, 24th, June 2010 *** S.A. Pastoral board maximum 11,000 cattle. Long term average 9,000 cattle. Currently running 1,430 cattle. Great opportunity to place large cattle numbers of breeders or finishes. Artesian bore supply. Dams are full or near capacity. Excellent/ Efficient pipeline system. Some solar power. Telemetry monitoring system. Outstanding improvements including: Main homestead, head stockman”s residence, married couples quarters, cooks quarters/ kitchen/ cool room, staff dining room, machinery shed, workshop and varies other quarters and sheds. Ten sets steel drafting and trucking yards with pound drafts, calf branding cradles and vet crushes. Yards strategically located to allow efficient working of property and road train access.Outstanding feed cover over almost 3 million acres. Quinyambie is offered for sale by Expressions of Interest and a W.I.W.O. basis. E.O.I. close Thursday 24th June 2010