This is a very comfortable home with superb presentation from house proud owners so be prepared to be impressed by this extremely neat & tidy 3 bedroom property with bullnose verandah. Included is a comfy lounge, tidy bathroom and internal laundry with tiled flooring and a very nice kitchen overlooking the dining area. There is an evaporative air cooler as well as a new reverse cycle in the loungeroom and concrete floors throughout. In addition there is decking at the rear providing a small external porch and rear access to the garage, garden shed and secure yard. The house is sprayed regularly and the vendors are happy to provide confirmation of this if required. It is a bright and cheery home with a good feel to it. Inspection is highly recommended.

For Appointments to View phone Jim or Karen Hickey:
Office: 8087 3666 or Mobile: 0418 858 336