Located 11 km off the Olympic Way
mid way between Young and Cowra
2 hours Canberra, 4A.5hours Sydney
Ascetically pleasing”Barrelli”has great character and panoramic views. The Illunie range boarders”Barrelli”and is a great adjunct for bush walking and observation of bird life and Native flora and fawner.
“Barrelli”is a productive farm with areas able to be utilized for lucerne flats, cereal production or well sheltered for grazing purposes. It is now host to a border Leicester stud and has won the coveted beef breeder’s competition in years gone by.
* Undulating to low hills with granite loam soils * Well timbered with white box, hill gum yellow box and hundreds of kurrajongs offering shade and shelter * 450 acres arable for cereals or further pasture improvement * Well watered with dams and springs * Four bedroom cottage, 2 stand shearing shed
Barrelli offers the opportunity for the astute to branch away from the high input farming lands to the security and highly demanded livestock production.