The home on this 125 acre property is right next to the river bank. Under current regulations, that will not happen again!
You can enjoy the peace from the picturesque garden or from inside the solid block home.
As you sit in the sunroom, you can absorb the view along a stretch of the river with its long pools and borders of Poplars and Willows.
Special features of the home include solid timber country styled doors, an ensuite, bathroom and 3rd toilet off the hobby/games room. A spacious open plan is heated with wood and an Ecoheatsystem. It is complemented by 3 large bedrooms.
The water supply from the river is automatic (electric) and permanent.
Good fencing divides the property into 4 paddocks. From the back paddock, a spectacular view of the surrounding hills and valleys opens up before you.
This property has it all for a comfortable, peaceful existence.