Do you love Nature ?

This Hidden Treasure surrounded by Beautiful Bushland is so close to town – Just off Clyde Road. This is an eco friendly home just add solar and your off the grid.

Featurs a large deck.
3 bedrooms. 4th can be added room
has been made.
A small kitchen but additional room has been added for a large kitchen to be installed.
Extra Large Master Bedroom.
Self composting toilet with a new room built for a 2nd one if required.
Outside laundry room.
Granny Flat
Massive shed with separate lean to.
2 x 10th gallon water tanks.
Chicken Pen.

Watering system installed for gardens
over 100 native plants have been
planted around the house to
fit in with the existing landscape and
give you complete privacy.

Owners keen to sell and invite all

There is still plenty of room available if you want to build a second residence.

2 x 10th gallon water tanks.

Call or email for more information

Property Code: 50