The owner of this sensationally located 24 acre coastal property will consider all genuine offers. His unique 9.65 hectare property is superbly located within direct walking distance to the beach and only minutes from Pottsville Shops.

Approvals have previously been in place for a general store, gallery and up to 12 cabins. There is an extraordinary 5 bedroom, 2 level home which bears no semblance to anything you’ve ever seen. There’s also a separate 2 bedroom cottage that would suit on site managers, guests or bed and breakfast. It is currently permanently tenanted.

The global potential of this property is beyond measure. Enjoy a relaxed but rewarding lifestyle with the purchase of what must be the classified as a once in a lifetime opportunity. The owner is 100% committed to this sale and has instructed us to find a buyer – yesterday. Motivation = bargain – call Jamie Wilmen at RaineandHorne Pottsville Beach today.