There’s something very astounding about the towering height of some beachside homes. Pointing high into the sky stretching for views; million dollar price tags seemingly cheap for these structures that sometimes offer multiple levels. Designing the most suitable home was certainly a fete for our sellers who respected this amazing location. Low set and low maintenance was the agreed design and it has rewarded our sellers with more time for the things they love.

Certainly no beach shack, number One Grevillia Parade offers a property package rarely seen or offered in Minnie Water real estate. Designed and built approx. 25 years ago this lightly used home was created for private holidays with retirement in mind. Yes, Minnie Water is a holiday destination and many properties are owned purely for escaping to. Some use their homes just for themselves, some share them with family and others choose to make a healthy return on investment with return clientele and bolstered annual incomes; whatever your pursuit we already know its near perfect.

From the immaculate gardens, the stunning two pack kitchen with granite bench tops, the very chic plantation shutters, alfresco living, great car accommodation, whatever attribute we are showcasing you 100% know it has been treated with respect. In addition, the property is offered mostly furnished and you will find all the inclusions and finer details in a property booklet that we can either post, SMS or email straight to you (please just ask). We have also completed a pest and building inspection on the property for complete transparency and ease of buying.

There is no doubt that locals love and perhaps even favour Back Beach Minnie Water and we are proud to state that our property is one of the closest. Tucked at the top of the Hill and in arguably one of the quietest positions you have paradise as your neighbour. In fact in less than a 5 minute stroll you often have the beach all to yourself.

It is through the requirement of specialist care that our sellers will relocate. In fact they have already secured their new home and it is with a heavy heart that the home will be sold.

Contact Kylie Pearson at Elders Real Estate, Grafton on 02 6642 1122 or direct 0488 161 621