Located on a big bend in the Bellinger River with deep swimming holes this is a 30 acre slice of paradise. Mostly level, cleared and improved this would be a fabulous organic farm. The weatherboard and romantic iron roof home has high ceilings and is well appointed and is filled with extra storage in all areas of the home. A country timber Tassie Oak kitchen, with a gas electric range plus a combustion Bakers oven for both cooking and heating. This home has 10′ ceilings in both lounge and family areas with an extra open study for even more space and guests.There is a very large laundry bathroom area with slate floors ideal for the farmer arriving home, plus there is a great 2 way main bathroom acting as ensuite and meeting family needs.
Covered south facing veranda for summer sessions.
Covered north and west patios for winter retreats.
About 20 to 25 acres of alluvial flats.
The undulating balance is either cleared or contains mature rainforest.
Outbuildings on the property….
Old dairy with old carport.
Approx… 90 year old barn with double carport.
This property is screaming out for organic horticulture and eco-accommodation STCA.
With daily school bus service to both Chrysalis Steiner and Orama Public and Pre-school living the dream for your family could never be more relaxed.

This property also contains a variety of exotic flowering trees; these trees attract and have become a stable food source for a mixed variety of birds – many nectar sucking birds, a variety of parrots, King Parrots, Rainbow Lorikeets, Eastern Rosella’s, even the Bower Birds seek the coloured flowers for their bowers. White Sulfur Crested Cockatoos, Black Yellow Tailed Cockatoos and Mountain Magpies love the seed pods of the Himalayan Magnolias found among the variety of trees planted on this property (too numerous to name them all). As well as fruit bearing trees there are flowering trees, now fully mature. To name some – 5 mature Australian Red Cedars, pink and yellow Tabibuia’s, blue, white and port wine Jacaranda, Queensland Waratah, Illawarra Flame, Dorrigo Fire Wheel, various Crepe Myrtles, Casia Carnival and Fistula. Others include – Pink Cherry, Black Bean, Lipstick Maples, a variety of Japanese Maples, Himalayan Pink Cedar, South American Carisia Speciocia and Rare Yellow Poinciana. Approximately 60 macadamia trees support the local bee population.