<br>Spectacular vista's and imposing rocky outcrops and escarpments greet you on arrival at this ancient landscape of 47 hectares. There is a palpable energy here, perhaps it is the elevation and stunning views that get the blood pumping or maybe the suggestion that powerful ley lines or song lines pass through this place and resonate deep within (then again it could have been that steep rugged track that we traversed to get here!).<br>Surprisingly for a block of this type, you will find that a high proportion of the land is easily accessed and opportunities present themselves for a range of development possibilities. Space and atmosphere will not be a limiting factor for the adventurous. A basic timber slab hut featuring an impressive convict hewn sandstone fireplace presents the first place of refuge and would serve as a temporary campsite while your final plans were laid.(approved DA for eco friendly home) For those looking for the unconventional and unique with a wealth of possibilities in a truly natural environment it would be hard to ignore the potential here.