This freshly painted property is located very close to shops, schools and the beach. Behind its charming facade, features include 3 bedrooms with built-in robes, study, floating floorboards, gas heating, north-facing windows, kitchen with gas appliances and a dishwasher, open plan living area with sliding door to the enclosed back garden, two-way bathroom with separate toilet and one carport with roller door. Inspections are subject to change or cancellation with minimal notice. Please note we do not accept 1Form applications.

*All information offered by Bellarine Property is provided in good faith. It is derived from sources believed to be accurate and current as at the date of publication and as such Bellarine Property simply pass this information on. Use of such material is at your sole risk. Prospective tenants are advised to make their own enquiries with respect to the information that is passed on. Bellarine Property will not be liable for any loss resulting from any action or decision by you in reliance on the information.