Are you looking for a food/meat processing and storage facility already fitted with cool rooms, a freezers and refrigeration plant keeping all areas of the inside at set temperature? Are you a Produce or Meat grower keen to expand your production into final value adding processing or have you run out of capacity in your existing Processing, Packaging and Storage plant?
Have you identified opportunities to produce and supply processed, fish, chicken, pork, beef products but need a plant with HACCP certification to do it in?
Includes fully self-contained processing facility fitted with cool rooms 6×3 mtr (3) 8×3 mtr, Blast freezer 8×3 mtr, Freezers 5×4 mtr primary
Preparation rooms, processing and packing rooms, dry storage rooms and much more . The entire complex is temperature controlled and built to HCCAP specification.
Call Julie to inspect on 0490 544 958.