Features Include:
* Master Bedrooms – Walk in Robe & Ensuite
* Bedroom 2 & 3 – all with built-in wardrobes
* Ducted AC throughout the whole house
* Kitchen features European appliances and stylish finishes
* Generous storage throughout
* Security screens on doors and windows
* Single remote controlled garage
* Fully fenced courtyard
* Monitored CCTV cameras in the complex
* Property is water efficient

Register now for inspection

For privacy reasons the photographs shown display a similar unit in size and location.

*The information about this property has been supplied to us by the property owner, while we have no cause to doubt its accuracy, we provide no guarantee. We cannot attest to the functionality of any fixtures, fittings or inclusions to the property. Land and apartment dimensions and floor/site plans are supplied by third parties. Typing mistakes, omissions, transposing can occur, we provide to assist but make no representation. Tenants must inspect the property before submitting an application.