The wildflowers are bursting into life and you will burst with pride when you call this property your home. Built high on the Perth Side of Toodyay, you will have amazing views from this lovingly built air conditioned 4 X 2 home that has some beautiful antique touches. These start
with a large claw foot bath in the en suite, antique light switches and cast iron light fittings. You will have warm cosy winter dinners in front of the the slow combustion heater and Sunday lunches and evening drinks on the wide verandah overlooking the rolling hills of the Avon Valley. Did I mention the spectacular sunsets.
With a double garage/shed, neat and interesting low care gardens inspired from the four corners of the world, small orchard, large rainwater tanks and abundant wildflowers and local birds this is one special place to call home.
Call Lui now on 0408090892 for your private viewing