Ask us and we will explain to you why the opportunity to buy “Swan Hill Bakehouse” provides you with a unique buying opportunity. There is an extra incentive to purchase this business so please contact our office for details. This business is offered as a reluctant sale and provides buyers with the opportunity to purchase an established and highly regarded Campbell Street eatery. Our current Vendors are prepared to provide a long lead in assistance period should it be required to enable the new Owner the opportunity to learn the necessary skills. Swan Hill Bakehouse brings with it a reputation for quality, well priced and thoroughly enjoyable food product. Our Owners are very genuine in their desire to sell and as such have set an asking price for Plant and Equipment only and even then at far reduced price. This is the perfect opportunity for those looking to secure their own high cash flow business and in so doing secure their future. Asking Price is just $80,000 W/I/W/O.