To own a property with direct Beachfront is an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity, but here it is and it comes complete with boat shed, boat and kayak ready and waiting. Just a few steps outside and you’re straight onto the beautiful white sands of Nebraska beach, North Bruny, looking straight across the D’Entrecasteaux Channel.
Time may have woven its thread over this property, but it needs only someone to show a little TLC to bring it back to life or if preferred replace the existing dwelling with a modern summer house, or holiday accommodation, STCA.
The shack consists of 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living area and a sunroom. A laundry and bathroom is also part of the building and can be accessed externally from the single carport. Electrical and water supply are in place and septic already on site.
Experience unforgettable summer holidays. Sun, sand, water and picnics on the beach. Conveniently located 20mins drive from Ferry and close to amenities of Dennes Point.
Whatever the dream may be, make sure it’s yours to realise.
Call today to arrange your private inspection and avoid disappointment.