Price Reduced to $206,000 – don’t miss your chance!
Why pay rent when you could own your own home!? Get off the rental roundabout and invest in this well-loved home and enjoy the views and relaxed lifestyle.
Also offering a great opportunity for the investor.

Offering a formal front lounge room, a modern kitchen and dining area adjacent, three bedrooms, family bathroom, and a separate toilet and laundry for convenience. Split System reverse cycle air-conditioner and ceiling fans provide temperature control. A security alarm offers peace of mind. A large timber deck out the back is perfect for entertaining and somewhere quiet to sit and enjoy the fabulous views, from Lincoln Cove and across Proper Bay, on offer.
A high clearance large carport is attached providing undercover storage for all the vehicles.
Potential rent return of $250-$270 per week makes this a great investment opportunity.

Located in an elevated position on a corner allotment of a spacious 798sqm this home is close to schools, shops, numerous parks and sporting facilities.

Vendors are keen for a quick sale, and at this price this property offers great value. Contact Valerie Staunton on 0427833914 to arrange your inspection.