“Under Instructions from the Public Trustee”

GI shed situated on residential zoned allotment of approx. 1010sqm in close proximity to The Bend Motorsport Park, Wellington East holiday shacks and nearby access to the Murray River.
Ideal lockup storage for vehicles, boat or chattels, comprises two adjoining sheds with independent access to each
a) measures approx 6.2m x 12.3m, 2 x sliding door access H3.5m
b) measures approx 6.2m x 18.6m, 1 x PA door, 1 x sliding door (W3.5m H 2.7m)
includes an insulated storage room of W6.2m x L5.6m

Ample space for vehicle movement and off street parking or build right here alongside your
‘hobby shed’

Power, Water and CWMS (wastewater) available