Stroll across the road, through the quiet grassy park to a beautiful wide sandy beach.
933 sqm block , can be subdivided, possibly a future units site.
Water views from shady front porch, perfect quiet outdoor entertaining area
Property like this rarely come onto the market
Short walk along paved bike track to Marina Precinct, Club and Restaurants
3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate lounge, kitchen, dining, covered porch front and back
Strikingly Beautiful deep red Polished Fraser Island Hardwood Floors.
Lock up garage, fully fenced 933 sq.m block, amazing shaded huge back yard.
Much better than the Esplanade around this vicinity. One house back from Esplanade but can see the water.
And in a Quiet area overlooking a beautiful park.
Priced for quick sale at $595,000 Fully Furnished