The choice is yours.

The best value fix me upper currently on the market

This 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 2 car accommodation is located in the centre of Toorbul.

So if it’s your desire to have a lifestyle in the gateway to our beautiful Moreton Bay or a
great weekend retreat, this one ticks the box.

Option 1, you can move in and continue renovations that have been started by the owner.
It has a new never used kitchen and air conditioning.

Option 2, you can remove it and replace with a beautiful pre fab home

Option 3, you can remove it and build your dream home with walking access to the boat ramp

Any of those, or you might have your own.

The opportunities are many, and the cost of entry so low

Call me now, don’t procrastinate I’ve seen properties like this before and we usually get
scores of calls after it’s Under Contract