Back in the 70′s, when you could still do it, about half a dozen owners in this area had a great idea to build a big shed (about 110sqm!) in their back yard to run their businesses out of.

The last one I sold was years ago and it was so popular I’ve been trying to get another one but no one is wanting to part with them, until now.

There’s a couple of catches;
there’s been some subsequent building that has not gone through council,
the ‘shed’ was fitted out as a residence so that needs to be undone,
the cottage had some storage added onto it that needs to be removed, and
to cap it off there was a fire inside the cottage so it needs some work.

As a real estate marketer, I can’t really say ‘location, location, location’ but its undeniably ‘opportunity, opportunity, opportunity’ for that someone who can see past some superficial and smoke damage.

The property will be going to Auction as is on the 5 June 2021 at 10am.

Zoning is B2 – but with an existing dwelling that you would not be able to have now
461sqm north facing level block of land
Fibro cottage raring for renovation
On the flat in North Narrabeen walking distance to everything

This zoning and the existing structures provide great flexibility for the future owner and likely at a much more affordable price than what would have been. The potential for development and adding value is enormous.

Bring a mask if you want to go inside the cottage as there is fibro and has been a fire. Our research of government advice says its fine but best to be on the safe side. For more information, please contact Martha MacLaurin-Wood on 0437 627 842.

Close to Schools, Close to Shops, Close to Transport