A sumptuous celebration of Federation charm and contemporary flair, this meticulously transformed dual level semi provides a sun-filled haven of elegance, style and privacy. Beyond a striking faade laced with elaborate timber detailing, the residence retains its inherent ambience through high patterned ceilings, picture rails, leadlight windows and plantation shutters. A tiled entrance foyer with sculpted hall arch leads to a generous lounge room with a northerly bay window seat and cast iron gas log fireplace. The dining room flows via glass French doors to a covered sunlit rear patio that steps down to an entertainers’ deck framed by landscaped gardens and a tranquil sandstone water feature. There’s a modern open plan timber kitchen with dishwasher, Miele gas cook top and oven. The home includes three spacious bedrooms (two with built-ins), elegant contemporary bathrooms (one on each level), basement workshop, storeroom and fitted wine cellar plus a carport. The upstairs family room flows to a wide sun-soaked terrace with district views. Enjoying prime northern exposure, magical sunsets and a premier peaceful leafy setting, it is within a stroll to Fairllight village, city buses, Manly Aquatic Centre and Manly West Primary School and within walking distance of Manly’s beaches, wharf and buzzing lifestyle hub.