:: Slow combustion wood heating

• Situated on 2.62 hectares just 700 metres from the village centre and 15km. south of Uralla with panoramic views is this neat three bedroom Permaclad home.
• The large double bedrooms adjoin the open plan living/dining/kitchen area that has two sliding doors to potential verandahs or outdoor living areas with easterly and northerly aspects.
• Slow combustion wood heating and two gas outlets provide warmth in the winter while the summer breezes can be captured from all parts of the house. The bathroom has a bath and a separate toilet and there is a large internal laundry.
• Three paddocks of cleared undulating granite grazing provide the perfect spot for the horses or a few sheep or cattle. A windmill supplies a tank that reticulates to the house yard and troughs. It also supplements the rain water tank at the house.
• Included is a single garage, a carport, a garden shed and a chook run.

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