53 Ha with panoramic scenic views. It has abundant Australian native wildlife, Bushland may be used to offset carbon emissions of vineyard, grazing and farm operations leading to zero carbon footprint status.
IMPROVEMENTS: Includes four-bay machinery shed, with water tanks and irrigation pumps. The property is fenced for livestock and currently runs 60 alpacas . A livestock watering system is available throughout. Includes Tractor and Mulcher, also licence transfer and 300 doz bottles of Maytree Wines A horse paddock and sheds are near the house. A rain water tank is attached to the house roof and provides an excellent supply of clean drinking water.

2016 Yeilds Chardonnay 4 tonnes, Riesling 2 tonnes, Pinot Noir 4 tonnes, Merlot 3 tonnes.

AREA UNDER VINES: At 13 Ha, the vineyard is a fully commercial business. Another 6 Ha is already cleared, fenced and watered

White grapes in production:
Chardonnay 1 Ha
Riesling 0.5 Ha
Red grapes in production:
Pinot Noir 2 Ha
Merlot 1.5 Ha
Currently under renovation
Cabernet Sauvignon 2 Ha
Pinot Noir 2 Ha
Merlot 2 Ha
Currently ready for replanting, 4 Ha
Total Vineyard Area 13 Ha.

There is a 33 megalitre commercial horticulture bore licence legally attached to the property. In addition, each 2Ha vineyard section is fenced and stock water troughs installed.