Within 5 minutes drive of Macleans CBD this property can be located. You have all the conveniences that the town provides within that short 5 minute drive, yet you have the peace and tranquility of a country position all year round. This property is elevated on a slight hillock and commands an excellent rural vista. When other properties may feel the heat, nature provides this home with cooling summer breezes.

This traditional Clarence Valley farmhouse has undergone an extensive renovation but still retains it’s character filled country charm, on 3/4 of an acre, with only one not so close neighbour. The landscaping is something special on this property, with terraced gardens and large bush rocks. A platform in the mature garden trees is a great setting for an afternoon beer or wine or a great spot to create a tree house for your children to enjoy. New internal stairs to a second living are downstairs has really enhanced the liveability of this home for families and or entertainers.

The other enhancement that is imminent now is the removal of the Pacific Highway from your line of sight and what will then revert to a quiet localised country road. Access to your property will improve and your children will be able to ride their bikes to school in a now safe environment not overrun with the vehicles that frequent it today. In short, this property is only going to get better.

The owners need for an urgent sale is real as they have already purchased elsewhere. The opportunity is there to pick up a property on the improve in so many ways. Don’t deny yourself that opportunity and book an inspection now.