A genuine double block within walking distance to CBD, this property is a rare find indeed!

The 1,234sqm block provides a myriad of opportunity (STCA), including business enterprise, professional rooms, units, second dwelling, sub dividing, or health practitioner looking for space close to town. With so much space and such a convenient location it can truly to be utilised to suit your needs.

Equally it is a great high set family home for those looking to upsize, presenting in excellent condition throughout and offering character with the interior timber trims, paint in good order, high ornate ceilings, fret work and features from the era.

There are 3 good size bedrooms with a sleep-out off the 3rd. Boasting a large timber kitchen with gas cooker, loads of cupboard space and a brekky bar, the dining room is adjacent, it is sure to make entertaining friends and family a delight. The back yard, well, it’s massive, for the gardener there is room for a market garden and for the kids an abundance of room for cricket and footy. Overall a very comfortable and functional family home in a convenient flood free location.

The CBD, Lismore Square, Trinity Catholic College, sporting grounds and hospital are only a short walk. Contact Michelle Mitchell 0423 322 873 mmitchell.lismore@ljh.com.au or Terry Wallace 0412 988 577 twallace.lismore@ljh.com.au for your private inspection.