Can you really say that to your landlord? The answer is, yes you can!

Did you know that with a minimum deposit you can buy and pay off this apartment for less than it would cost to rent?

On a 5% deposit, the repayments would be around $370 per week. But to rent it, the cost would be $480-$500 per week.

Located on the 17th floor of the popular Sentinel complex, you are perched up high looking over the lake and the hills behind.

Worth some further investigation? If you think so and want to know more, please call me or visit one of the scheduled open homes. Of course you can also respond via the website or book a private inspection to suit your diary.

Benefits List:
* Just across the road from the Belconnen Mall.
* Ground floor cafes and restaurants
* Easy stroll to the lake.
* The complex comes with its own gym and swimming pool, just for residents.
* External barbecue area and herb garden.

EER: 6.0