If you feel unwell, have cold/flu symptoms, have been overseas and/or interstate in the past 14 days, or have been in close contact with confirmed case of COVID-19, we ask you to notify us immediately to cancel the viewing/inspection.
During the inspection, please do not touch anything and you must follow the government recommendation for social distance guidelines maintaining 1.5m distance with our representative.

To view this property, please contact us using the link provided and state your availability (date & time).

If you wish to apply for this property after viewing; please provide us with your email address prior to inspection. Once you have inspected the property, if you wish to proceed, please hand the completed form to the representative during inspection.

This property is currently still occupied and request for viewing must be made few days in advance.

This family home is within walking distance to shops, schools, public transport, parks and Edgewater train station.

* 4 bedrooms (walk in robe to master bedrooms, built in robes to two bedrooms)
* 2 bathrooms
* Modern country style kitchen with stainless steel appliances
* Large formal lounge
* Dining area
* Games room
* Patio entertaining area with paving
* Heated swimming pool
* Ceiling storage

Available 31/08/2020.

Pet is considered.

Heated pool, Overhead ceiling storage