This four bedroom home currently has 2 bedrooms. Bedroom’s have built in robes, internet is complimentary, water and electricity is included. We are looking for clean, responsible tenants only.

Cleaners are included in the rent, for common areas only.

Rm 3 $160 PW
Rm 4 $165 PW

Frequently asked questions,

Are pets allowed at this property? No
Do I have to pay for water supplied to this property? No
Do I have to pay for electricity? No
Do I have to maintain the lawns and gardens? No
Do I have to maintain a pool? No
When is the property available from? 05/01/2015
Is the room furnished or unfurnished? Unfurnished
What is the lease term offered? Minimum 6 months.

Please do not use the online application feature as we cannot process applications with the computer generated signature. Please contact the agent to view the property and apply.