********* ATTENTION *********
We want to provide you with the best possible service and keep you informed and updated on any inspections. Please register your name and contact details, as homes will only be opened if we have registered attendees.

Perfectly positioned in a quiet Regents Park back street, this home combines the simplicity with an outstanding contemporary design.

The home offers four generous size bedrooms all with built-ins, ensuite, large family bathroom with spa bath plus 3 toilets. With two separate tiled living areas, a well appointed kitchen with dishwasher and stainless steel appliances, a good size laundry plus double remote entry garage with internal access this breathtaking property offers the very best in quality and is sure to impress.


You are required to register for all Open Home Times – via email or by phone. The cut-off is 40 minutes prior to the appointment time.

Applications will only be processed once the property has been personally viewed. Applications may not be accepted after 4:30pm on weekdays and 2:30pm on Saturdays.

Please note Your Address Real Estate preferred method for rental payments is via Deft Payment Services. Please refer to www.deft.com.au for all fees & conditions.

Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of the information contained herein, Your Address Real Estate will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in typing.
All information is considered correct at the time of printing. Any interested parties should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the information.