“Juggler’s Rest” 3208 Donnybrook/Boyup Brook Rd Mumballup WA
Is 61ha (150acres) in the upper Preston Valley in the South West of WA
Access is directly off the Donnybrook/Boyup Brook Rd.
No chemical fertilizers or sprays have been used on the property for at least 15 years
It has great potential for organic farming, a small stud farm or a quiet retreat
There are 19 well fenced paddocks of 7-line ringlock with an insulated top wire
It has two dams, a well with a windmill and a bore. There is an 18x12m x 6m high Colorbond shed and also an large old timber (adzed timber) framed shed (approx. 8x12m) that has power connected. It has a shearing floor and sheep yards as a lean-to on one side and machinery lean-to on the other side. This old shed is probably close to 100years old and is constructed with 18x200x4200mm adzed jarrah columns probably one of a only few of it’s era still standing.
The house is a comfortable old timber framed home, ideally positioned with great views of the valley and driveway in. It is served by a 20,000gallon concrete water tank that gravity feeds to the house and underground power, gas HWS and cooking
There is a 9 panel,3kw inverter feedback solar power system also an 8000gallon poly tank storage for the garden
Water for both tanks is pumped up from the well by the windmill
The orchard has Heritage varieties of apple and peach which are just starting to produce fruit. There are also citrus, cherry, nectarine, some nut trees and some soft fruits. A number of heritage vegetables have also self sown in the vegetable patch
The flower garden has an array of scented flowers including Heritage roses some of which I have planted along the upper drive intending them to form a colourful scented hedge.
The property is less than 5km from the Bibbulum Track and 20 minutes to Donnybrook or Collie. The school bus passes by the front gate. Behind the property is bushland extending 30something-km to the tourist ‘village’ of Bailingup.