A fantastic property with room for the whole family boasting great space and living areas for all located in a safe Cul de Sac

Located within 3.2km (5 minutes by car) to the local “Altone Park Shopping Centre” and you will have an opportunity to take advantage of surrounding amenities and parklands , Altone Park Leisure Centre, sports grounds, golf course, schools which are all close by and a bus stop is just 850 metres from your front door, where the Trans Perth 345 bus provides easy access to “Morley Bus Depot” and beyond.

* 5 Bedrooms.
* 2 Bathrooms.
* Large Formal Lounge.
* Spacious Family/dining area.
* Sunken Games Room overlooking pool and outdoor area.
* Large Kitchen with gas cooktop, wall oven, fridge recess & pantry.
* Below ground saltwater pool with auto cleaner.
* Solar Panels.
* Spacious patio/pergola.
* Gazebo with spa.
* Attic storage area.
* Air-conditioning, ducted evaporative, 4 x wall mounted split units.
* Security Alarm system & cameras.
* Double Carport.
* Extra parking bay for Caravan/Boat.
* Bore reticulated gardens.
* Garden Shed.
* Block: 722sqm.
* Built: 1992

To learn more about how to make this your next family home or how you can inspect it, call Alex now on 0417 946 784.

This information is provided for general information purposes only and is based on information provided by the Seller and may be subject to change. No warranty or representation is made as to its accuracy and interested parties should place no reliance on it and should make their own independent enquiries.