Two residences and a great size block lends itself to multiple uses.
Located in Roebourne Township, close to all amenities.

- 2086m2 two homes one 2×1 and one 4×1
- hilltop with scenic views
- both homes have views, and verandahs to relax and unwind on
- Lower home, has amazing hill views over to the horizon

The property is a 2×1 (Top Building),
and a 5×1 or 4×1 with two living areas, (lower building) – steps and rails on side as a walkway from the lower to upper
Lower dwelling would suit offices, and the rooms are large, 2 toilets/laundry
one bathroom adjacent laundry
5 foot cyclone rated fences surround property, and carports provide multiple options for carparking
Room for pool, sheds etc.
Motivated seller!!!! – Make an offer!

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