Have you been dreaming of leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city and escaping to the country? This is your last chance to secure a vacant lot within the popular and family-friendly town of Korumburra. Perfectly positioned in a quiet court location just minutes from the centre of Korumburra and only two hours from the Melbourne CBD, this s flat 810m2 block is titled with all services available.

Imagine an idyllic family home that’s been crafted for your individual needs and style. Vast open-plan living spaces could spill out to covered entertaining areas where you can host guests and admire views over the backyard as the kids play. Perhaps you’re envisioning a more humble abode that you can offer for rent and bolster your investment portfolio
Statement of Information: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/documents.renet.cloud/coffsagents/10043685/listing/20884492/1467710/statementofinformation-4_dowel_court-korumburra-vic_3950-1-20220131105641.pdf