An outstanding lifestyle opportunity providing an excellent income stream

andbull; Land area: 7.4 HA* / 18.3 AC*
andbull; Spacious 4 bedroom/2 bathroom home strategically situated in an elevated position to capture stunning views over the surrounding valley
andbull; 30 ponds* filled via the pristine waters of Stony Creek and the Ovens River
andbull; 12 ML per day pass through licence via the Stony Creek
andbull; Licensed species include Rainbow Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Golden Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout and Tiger/Cheetah Trout
andbull; Fully renovated 4 bedroom manager’s residence
andbull; Onsite retail shop front
andbull; Wholesale business supplies to butchers, restaurants, deli’s and Sydney and Melbourne fish markets
andbull; Live fish supply to government operations, commercial fish farms and private customers
andbull; Situated 5kms* from the mountain village of Harrietville and 20 kms* from the popular tourist destination Bright

The property/business is offered for sale on a Walk-In Walk-Out basis. A handover period is available to ensure a smooth transition for the new owners.

Agent in conjunction Dickens Real Estate, Bright – Gerard Gray 0439 551 032
*denotes approx.