Opportunity abounds with this Grasstree Beach property, it has SIZE & position with excellent water views out over the bay.
If you look at the long term possibilities, with the correct approvals, you could redevelop into units with a retail space or subdivide.
In the present you could re open the Fish & Chip shop or branch out with a cafe, again, there are possibilities.
The building is large, has the takeaway area, freezers & fridges as well as storage.
The property is located just off the beach & close to the children playground, popular all year round with visitors to the area & families that live locally.
The block is 1,668m², a very generous size when compared to the bulk of blocks at the beach that come in at 607m² or thereabouts.
Grasstree Beach is only 12 to Sarina & 30 minutes to Mackay.
For your opportunity to inspect please do not hesitate to contact Greg on 0419 574 846.
Disclaimer: The Agent does not give any warranty as to errors or omissions, if any, in these particulars, the provided information from the Vendor can be deemed reliable but not accurate. Any persons interested in the property should conduct their own research.